Meet Our Insurance Agents

Our insurance experts match you with protection that is most beneficial for you. To do that, we devote time and attention to carefully listen and understand your needs. It’s the best way to serve you with real solutions. Since we’re independent, we are experienced with all sorts of business sizes and needs, as well as shopping around a variety of carriers to find you the most appropriate coverage at the best prices. We think real solutions protect you, your family, your home, your business, your investments—and your budget.
Photo of Dave Smith

Dave Smith

Senior Vice President, Insurance Sales and Administration
Commercial Insurance
Photo of Joe Kwaitkowski

Joe Kwiatkowski

Vice President, Commercial Insurance Officer
Hayden Pomper

Hayden Pomper

Second Vice President, Commercial Insurance Officer

Tabitha Hook

Tabitha Hook

Commercial Insurance Agent
Photo of Ian Sliger

Ian Sliger

Personal Insurance Agent